4 Game-Changing Ways to Use Pinterest for Your Organizing Biz

One of the absolute best ways today to find out what someone is all about is to visit their Pinterest profile. My sisters and I have been using this trick for years now to spy on each other and pick out little things that we plan to surprise each other with for our birthdays or Christmas :) I am going to guess that you have at the very least used Pinterest over the past few years to save recipes, cool outfits, or projects that you would like to do for your house. And if at this point you've found me, you probably have a TON of cute organizing pictures pinned (because it just makes you happy.) As a pro organizer (even part time) taking the time to max out your Pinterest boards in a strategic way is not only fun, but a really important part of your business. Your profile is something you can link to directly from Find My Organizer, your other social media accounts, and should definitely play a big role on your website.  

Here are 4 ways

to use Pinterest as part of your professional organizing toolkit online!

 1. Use a Pinterest plugin to stream your feed onto your websiteThis board you are seeing here is actually being updated real-time with my latest pins (no matter when you are seeing this!) I made this by going to the Pinterest widget builder. From there I set up the following options:  How to create a custom Pinterest feed block for your website | www.proorganizerstudio.com  If you are using SquareSpace, just follow the instructions they give you for pasting in your code where you want your profile board to appear (with a code block.)If you are on Wordpress, there are many options for plugins that will produce the same result! 

So, why would you want to use this?

 You can stream your feed directly onto the homepage of your website to showcase your aesthetic to your potential clients... without dealing with the problematic aspects of posting photos that aren't yours. SUPER-AWESOME. I did this on my website when I started out and it was amazing for communicating my style visually.As you can see in the screenshot above, you can also change it to stream one particular board, rather than your whole profile. This would be great to add on to any post about a particular area of the house -- for example, if you write a post about kitchen organizing ideas, inserting a board with your beautiful pins of organized kitchens will not only inspire your readers, but get them to follow you for even more ideas.  2. Create boards specifically for your clientsUnder your profile, the very first option is "create board". How to create custom boards for your professional organizing clients on Pinterest | www.proorganizerstudio.com  Once you have created this board, you have a couple of options:

A. You can invite your client to be a contributor to the board

  • This is great if you have a client that will actively pin ideas that she likes and doesn't mind having her name be on it. This can be part of the value of the organizing service package you offer, since over time you can keep adding pins to it every so often to show that you are thinking of her (SO great for re-marketing.)
  • If she does want to remain 100% confidential, toggle the button to make it a "secret". It will look like this:

  How to create a secret client board for professional organizers | www.proorganizerstudio.com  

B. You can have the board be specific to the client, but not invite them to collaborate with you

  • This is an excellent way to show off your ideas in general and can serve as sort of a virtual "portfolio" of the kinds of work you have done in the past. Your client will still be able to refer to it in the future, although you may add even more ideas over time to develop the "virtual mood board" in order to target new clients in your area.
  • A great idea for naming these boards? Do as the interior designers do and simply name it after the street or neighborhood where your client lives (obviously, do NOT give out identifying information in any case.)

 Oooohh... by the way: An amazing idea for local marketing would be to create boards for the neighborhoods in which you would LIKE to work. Fill these boards with organizing ideas, pinned posts from local businesses (that you are networking with) that are HIGHLY relevant to your clients, moving tips, home staging ideas... Make sure your pin descriptions give thoughtful and helpful advice, and add the link back to your site. Brilliant, lady.  3. Use as your personal resource listOne of the things you have to become comfortable with as a pro organizer is that you simply won't know all the best answers that will specifically work for a particular client off the top of your head without doing a little research.This whole process becomes easier when you know you've already curated a list of resources you can go straight to for ideas... your Pinterest boards.If you haven't already, create new boards for every part of the home, and also include things like "productivity tips" and "time management". This is what you'll be able to easily pull from when you create client-specific boards above, but will also be a way to catalog your own personal knowledge of how to do pretty much everything when it comes to home management (because you are actually superwoman.)Tips:

  • Whatever your organizing specialty is, move those boards up to the very top of your profile page so that your visitors see them first. They'll also see that even though your specialty is organizing kids, for example, that you also have ideas for lots of other things that will come up along the way.
  • Whatever you do, make sure your own Pinterest profile and boards aren't a hot mess! This will certainly give your clients the wrong idea about your organizing skills and ability to focus on helping them. Everything is branding.

  4. Use your pins to illustrate your thought process on your blog posts, info page, or about me pagesThe rule of thumb is you should always be offering something of value for your client, even if you are talking about something that seems like it's about you or your business.Using your pretty & helpful pins individually to make your website even more visual... will give you that edge over other organizers that assume their readers know what they are talking about all the time.Here's a great example of a pin from Morgan Timm that complements my branding but gives you even more information about a topic that I know you are interested in :)  How to embed pins directly into your professional organizing website | www.proorganizerstudio.com  I made this by clicking the ellipses (...) at the top of the original pin, and selecting "embed". Pinterest generates the code you need to insert the pin in your site. 

Which of these 4 ways are you planning to utilize now that you've realized how amazing Pinterest can be for pro organizers? Let me know in the comments what you think! <3


xo, Jen

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