Episode 42: Your Organizing Company & The Drama Triangle

Welcome to Episode 42: The Drama Triangle & Your Organizing Company

Today, I am sharing an imaginary coaching scenario that I’ve pulled together based on a composite of many of the coaching calls I’ve been on the giving and receiving ends of over the last few years.

As a professional organizer, I think you’ll relate to at least a few of these challenges I’m going to illustrate when it comes to growing your business. And you’ll also learn a model for empowering yourself with some self-coaching as you are working through your own growth challenges in 2020 and beyond.

What I Talk About:

(00:00) – Intro to the Episode
(01:07) – The imaginary business coaching client scenario
(03:15) – Jen explains the Karpman Drama Triangle
(04:47) – The Rescuer
(05:46) – The Persecutor
(06:36) – The Victim
(07:26) – Jen analyzes her imaginary coaching scenario using the Karpman Drama Triangle
(13:33) – Episode Wrap-up

Resources mentioned:
The Drama Triangle Book

Related Links:

How to Competently Serve Your First Client

3 Relating Styles You Need To Know About

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