"Everyone else is doing better than I am." Conquering Comparisonitis as a Professional Organizer
This is a “cute” phrase for something that isn’t cute at all, and this is a problem that can plague ANYONE—even the best organizers.
It is this feeling of, Everyone else is doing better than I am.
Every other organizer has a better business than I do.
Everybody else is doing X, Y, Z, I should be doing that too.

Hi! I’m Melissa. And I want to make your pro organizing business better!
Hi! I'm Melissa. And I love being a professional organizer.

“5 minute podcast” Pitches for Professional Organizers: Just say no!
Have you ever gotten that pitch to be on a 5 minute podcast that will inevitably vault your professional organizing business to the stratosphere? I've warned against them before but our intrepid organizer slash undercover agent Missi McKown of Clear Spaces Organizing has done it for you just to talk about it.

2.5 Month Delay for Organizing? She’ll Wait!
Last week, I had a client agree to wait 2 months to work with me because some silly words I put on my contact form.

Meet my friends at Meat & Potatoes Organizing in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul
When I worked in corporate America, we did NOT like our competitors. Then I became a professional organizer, and I found out that I LOVE my competitors! I’d like you to meet one, my friend Cori of Meat & Potatoes Organizing.

"We Are Not All The Same!" - Getting Great Organizing Clients By Being The REAL You
Sarah Brent of Practical Harmony in Illinois and Tidy Stock Photography is talking to us about something she (and I!) are equally passionate about. As she says, “We are not all the same!” Professional organizers are all very different and showing up as the REAL you when you talk about your business is super important.

Reflections and Transformations with Jen Kilbourne, Founder of Pro Organizer Studio
Jen Kilbourne is on the interview couch today. She is the founder of Pro Organizer Studio. She is the visionary behind everything that we do here. If you are a longtime podcast listener, you have heard Jen's voice on the podcast so many times—she began all of this magic. She started the Inspired Organizer program, which has helped 900 women across the globe on five different continents start or grow their organizing businesses. Everything you see at Pro Organizer Studio was her vision.

“Don’t Mess with Eyeballs!” (safety moment!) and “A Message from Mom.”
Here is one not-great story and one wonderful story from awesome professional organizer Kim of Rustic Home Organizing. I wanted her to tell the first story because it’s a great reminder that we have to stay vigilant as organizers to stay safe and healthy; and the second story is just super heartwarming and I want everyone to hear it!

From getting paid in eggs to $10,000+ months: 2 years in business with Kim of Rustic Home Organizing (part 2)
I've been interviewing Kim of Rustic Home Organizing in Portland, Oregon, every year, since she brand new in starting her professional organizing business out. This is her year two recap what she has learned. Kim has so much wisdom to share. She has a lot of great lessons for people, whether you are brand new, starting out, or whether you've been in business for a long time.

2 Years in Her Professional Organizing Business: Kim of Rustic Home Organizing
I first interviewed Kim two years ago when her business was BRRAAANNNDD new. In her first year, once she got paid by a client with a dozen eggs. Fast forward two years later--and she had her first (and second, and third) $10,000 month in her business, Rustic Home Organizing.
Kim is giving us all the details on her second year in business--and no matter where you are in your organizing business, there is so much to learn here!