Episode 88: New Organizing Show on Netflix!
We love when a new organizing show comes out so more people get to know what we do for a living. Today Melissa talks about the new Netflix show from Marie Kondo and how you can use this to your advantage with clients (even if you don't use her methods to organize!)
If you are looking for business inspiration, we have a free workshop that is called The 4-Part Plan for Landing Your Dream Clients in 2021. Jen Obermeier leads you through that workshop. Sign up for that poroadmap.com. If you are interested in our Inspired Organizer® program, you can find us at www.inspiredorganizer.com.

Links for listeners:
Podcast episode to help work on your digital business: CLICK HERE
Podcast episode about goal-setting: CLICK HERE
Google Ad tutorial: CLICK HERE
Information about our Inspired Organizer® program
If you are considering starting or growing a professional organizing business, we have a brand new for 2021, totally free workshop you can take that goes beyond this podcast--you can register here if you want to check it out!
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If you are looking for business inspiration, we have a brand new free workshop that is called The 4-Part Plan for Landing Your Dream Clients in 2021. Jen Obermeier leads you through that workshop. Sign up for that poroadmap.com. If you are interested in our Inspired Organizer® program, you can find us at www.inspiredorganizer.com and don't forget, we have a whole library of podcasts here, our YouTube channel, and you can find us on Facebook and Instagram at Pro Organizer Studio.
Still not sure about starting your own Pro Organizing business? Cick here to read about the 5 things you need to know BEFORE starting your organizing business.
Feeling ready to start? Great! Check out this post on how to start your business stress-free!
Melissa Klug: Hey pro organizers. This is your pal Melissa Klug. I am the co-host of the Pro Organizer Studio Podcast. And I am thrilled to be back with you today. I am excited because there is more organizing content in the world. More people are going to find out about organizing because there is a new show on Netflix that I want to talk to you about.
And we're going to talk about a few other things that are getting this fall started out. Right? So without further ado, here we go.
Jen Obermeier: You’re listening to the Pro Organizer Studio Podcast with Melissa Klug and Jen Obermeier. Thank you so much for joining in our mission is to broaden the horizons of savvy business women in the organizing industry by instilling confidence and inspiring authenticity. You'll gain new insight into strategies designed specifically for professional organizers.
So now let's get started.
Melissa: I don't know about you guys, but I will say that more and more people are starting to know what we do for a living. And part of that is thanks to, there are a lot of shows now that are out there and that people have really started to get into and more and more people know what we do. Well, a lot of people know what we do because of the phrase, “spark joy”, popularized of course by Marie Kondo.
And I am very excited because I love when there's a new organizing show out there that will hopefully get to more and more people. And on August 31st, there is a new season of Marie Kondo show on Netflix. This one is a little different than her first show. Her first show was called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.
And this show is called Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo. I watched all of the episodes yesterday. So if you don't want to watch, you don't have to, I'm going to tell you a little bit more about them, but I also just wanted to remind people that any time organizing is in the news anytime there's a new show, anytime some reason that organizing gets in the news, even if it's not an organizing methodology that you yourself apply, it is a great way for us to get our name out there. And for people to know what we do.
For instance, I am never going to put a client's books in Roy G Biv order, but I sure love it when someone says, “oh, I saw that Home Edit show. Are you familiar with it? Yep. I absolutely sure am and let's talk about it.” And then I can talk about the pros and cons of it from my perspective.
Obviously a client is hiring you because of your particular way that you approach them because of the way that you came across to them. And you can then take that knowledge they have from that show and then say, “Hey, here's my organizing philosophy.”
And here's what I would like to do with you. So you definitely don't have to be a devotee of Marie or the Home Edit or any of the other shows, but I love it because I love the phrase, “a rising tide raises all boats.” And that to me is what these organizing shows do. They get our industry on the radar, less and less people now, when they ask me what I do and I tell them I'm a professional organizer and they go, wait, what's that? And less and less people go, oh, that's the thing that you get paid for? I mean, I'm sure you guys have all heard. You've heard every single thing that someone says in response to what we do for a living, but these shows give us a credibility and they give us a way to be able to talk to people about what we do, and then hopefully interest them in our services.
Here are a few details about Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo, which premiered on Netflix on August 31st. And it is a very short series. Assume, thanks to COVID the series got cut a little bit short, but it is only three episodes. So the great thing is that if you're interested in bingeing, it, it's only going to take about two hours of your time, a little more than two hours of your time, but here is the quick CliffsNotes of what happened in each of these three episodes.
The first episode, they go into a family run garden center. So it's actually organizing a business instead of organizing a home, which I absolutely loved. And this one was great. And I'll talk about it a little bit in a minute, but it was great because it shows that we don't just organize closets and bedrooms and.
But we can organize pretty much anything. The second episode, I also loved because it mixed both a business and a home location. It was a mom who owned a coffee shop and they did the coffee shop organizing, but they also did organizing at her. And one of the best parts of this episode is she has a young son and the episode was making his room a place where he wanted to be so that mom and dad could get their bedroom back for themselves, which was an emotional process and a great process for this family.
So if you work with families, one of the things I loved about the last version of Marie’s show, and I love about home edit or any of the shows that come out is. When I'm working with a client, I can direct them to one specific episode of one specific show and tell them, Hey, I would love for you to watch this episode because I think it really has a lot to do with your particular situation.
And I think that you'll get a lot of inspiration from it. That's something that we talk about here. Pro organizer studio a lot is inspiration. And anytime you can give your clients that kick and wherever you can find that, I think it's super important. If you have a family that is struggling with maybe kids not sleeping in their room, maybe mom and dad's room becoming the receptacle of all of the things.
This would be a great episode, but I also loved that they combined home life with business life, to be able to show you that, Hey, you can organize so many different things and make your life better, both professionally and personally. So she goes to work and she has things organized. She comes home and has things organized.
The third episode was a single mom of two kids, including one. This was very heartwarming that she adopted after that child was kicked out of their home. And I just absolutely loved that for the heartwarming aspects of this wonderful woman. But the great part was they did her home and she had a closet that was a little bit out of control.
They also were able to organize with her at her church. So that is another example of. Being able to show people that we organize in different places. The church got into it. It was really a heartwarming episode all around. So those are your three episodes.
When I watched it, I will tell you one of the things I really loved about it is that it really showed a lot of the emotional parts of organizing. And one of the reasons that I loved that is because sometimes my clients are surprised. They are surprised at how emotional the process can be, even with things that they didn't think were going to be that challenging.
I absolutely loved that in all three of the families that Marie Kondo was helping, there was some sort of emotional breakthrough that was really. Really tender to watch. I also found it to be really interesting because they went into a lot more detail on how people reorganize things in the last series. You saw the mountains of it. Clothing and that type of thing, but we really didn't get into a lot of details yeah. About the full process. And this showed up into a little bit deeper of how they actually reorganize things and they really got a little bit more of, Hey, when you get done organizing, it's not just that you've organized, but you've also found a way to make it.
Beautiful. And I really enjoyed that too.
So that's your recap. I encourage you to watch it. Even if you don't practice the KonMari method, even if you're not a huge fan of Marie Kondo, it's still, I think an interesting way to look at organizing and hopefully you will get some gems out of it.
And maybe you find something that you can use to encourage a client along.
So, how can you capitalize on this new show and make sure that when people are searching for a pro organizer in their area, that they find you the first and best way that you can leverage this is make sure that all of your digital properties are up to date
in the show notes, I'm going to link you to one of our spring cleaning episodes that we did earlier this year, that was all about organizing your business. And we talk about digital properties. There are so many great ways that you can make sure that you are ready for those clients who might be searching for a professional organizer after they get inspired by the show.
The next important thing you can do is if you have the budget for it, I would totally encourage you to think about a Google ad while there is still some hype and excitement over a brand new show on Netflix. Even if you don't practice KonMari yourself, there are people that are going to be looking for organizers, and you want to make sure that you rise to the top of that list.
One of the fastest ways you can do this is by doing a Google ad. And the best part is you can spend as little or as much as you want, whether your budget is $5 or $500, you can run a Google ad. And the process is really, really simple. I would encourage you to go to business.google.com and you can actually look up so many pieces of information on Google ads.
I will link a couple of them in the show notes as well. The other thing that you can do is all of us are on Instagram and Facebook. And I would definitely encourage you to use some content in your social media that references the Netflix show.. We are Always looking for new content. We are always looking for things to talk about. And this one is a great one to talk about.
One of the things that I love to talk about is how you can turn something into content.
So whether it's content for a newsletter for your marketing, for your social media, I want to turn, how does the show translate into how you guys can go get new business with potential clients? And I would encourage you to use this as a platform to say to people, Hey, I have a great new watch for you on Netflix here.
Here are some tips that I have for you. Here's some inspiration that I have for you from the show. And if you need help organizing your business, your life, your church, I'm here for you.
If you have been thinking about starting to get into TikTok or reels, this is probably an awesome time to do it. Video is exploding on Instagram and TikTok and we all know it TikTok is by far hands down my favorite thing of 2020.
Yes. I realized 2020 did not have a lot to get excited about. So, uh, but I'm telling you TikTok has changed my life. I legitimately learned so many things from TikTok. I love it. It's not only entertaining, but it's educational. And there are organizers and other people in adjacent industries like house cleaners, realtors, people like that, that have really done great with TikTok.
So if you have been thinking about, Hey, I really need to start doing reels. I really need to start doing video content. This new show on Netflix might be a great entree to that. You could take little pieces of the show and say, Hey, I've been watching Marie Kondo on Netflix. I love that she organized a business.
I want to give you some inspiration. If you want to organize your own business, here are some ideas for you. You could start your video journey based on this new year. Listen, I need to take this advice myself. I have not yet jumped into the world of tic talker reels, but I know how important it is.
And I know how much people are finding service providers because of this. So I would definitely encourage you. If you've been thinking about dipping your toe in the water, this would be an absolutely optimal time to do that.
You could even host a viewing party with your potential clients. You can say, Hey, I'm doing a group watch on Netflix and I'm doing a chat., or I'm going to do a zoom hangout while we watch the show. And it's a great way for you to connect with potential clients. There are tons of different ways that you can leverage this show to your advantage, once the show starts to go and get out there, Maria is going to be doing press, which makes people watch the show, which makes people go, Hey, I need to do this in my head.
How can I get in touch with a professional organizer?
But just as long as you make sure that you're getting yourself out there and making sure that you're ready for that influx of clients, that's all I really care about.
If you flip back to our spring cleaning series that we did in April. I am going to direct you to a few different podcasts there, where we went through looking at your digital properties and other marketing ideas.
But whenever there's publicity for home organizing, we want to make sure that we are ready to have those potential clients find us. Take this time, just do a quick check of, is your SEO up to date on your website? Do you want to reference something about this show specifically on your web page?
Make sure that you're doing posts on Google My Business so that everybody who's looking for you in your local area can find you. And in our spring cleaning series, one of the things that I talked about is making sure. That your geographic location is on your website. You'd be surprised how many people miss this point.
We want to make sure that a potential client who's Googling professional organizer, Denver, Colorado, is able to be matched with you. So make sure that your geographic location is on your website. Super, super important thing that a lot of people miss.
Okay. I think that's all on Marie Kondo's new show. I really hope that you can use this to your advantage in your marketing and in your social media . Now, I want to move on to a little bit of a different subject in a quick one.
As we head into September 1st, which is when this podcast is landing on your players.
I don't know about you guys. But I always feel like this is kind of a fall reset. I call it a new, new year's day. If you are at all in that same boat with me, maybe the kids are back in school. You feel like you've got your new notebooks and your new school supplies ready to go, and you want to do a fall reset.
I'm doing a fall reset challenge. With anybody who's interested. So if you want to get some tips and tricks and you want to get some inspiration for getting your business back in fall working order, please send me an email to hello@proorganizerstudio.com or you can DMS on Instagram at pro organizer studio. or if you have not yet joined our podcast insiders Facebook group, you can go over to pro organizer studio podcast, join that group and we will be doing some accountability. There as well,
We would love to add you to this little challenge and just give you some support. As you start new new year, you can totally go back to the spring cleaning podcasts. If you missed them the first time, everything in those is still applicable to you. We would love to have people make these last few months of the year.
Absolutely fantastic. As we move into what will hopefully be a better 2022.
No matter where you are in your business, whether you are just dreaming about becoming a professional organizer, you have just launched your business, or you've been in it for five years, we can all support each other and do a little bit of a fall reset.
So I would love to have you join me if you are interested.
That is all that we have for you today on this episode of the Pro Organizer Studio podcast, if you have not yet joined Jen Obermeier for our free workshop, your four-part plan for landing your dream clients in 2021, hop over to www.poroadmap.com and we will get you that workshop on demand. It's a great way to spend an hour of your time.
Every time I get to spend an hour with Jen as a good hour of my life. So hopefully you will be able to share that time with her. And if you have any questions about Pro Organizer Studio, about our Inspired Organizer program, about our brand new course, which is called organizing essentials, which teaches you how to be confident when you walk into a client's home that you know exactly what to do.
Please email us at hello@proorganizerstudio.com or DM us on Instagram, we cannot wait to connect with you and we have such great stuff coming for you. This fall, stay tuned. Have a great day.
Thank you so much for listening in to the Pro Organizer Studio Podcast. If you'd like to get our roadmap for success as a pro organizer, head straight to www.poroadmap.com.
Thank you so much for listening in to the pro organizer studio podcast. If you'd like to get our roadmap for success as a pro organizer, head straight to www.poroadmap.com.