Podcast Episode 31: Building a Partnership with Ashley Grubbs & Julie McCoy
Welcome to Episode 31: Building a Partnership with Ashley Grubbs & Julie McCoy
Today, I am joined by Ashley Grubbs and Julie McCoy, who are business partners behind Mind Your Mess in Houston, TX. I hope you’ll listen to their entire story. If you’re a solo organizer who has ever been interested in bringing on a business partner, you will definitely want to listen to how these two met, how their partnership was formed, and where Mind Your Mess is headed today. Their friendship and sky’s-the-limit mindset are truly inspiring.

What We Talk About:
(00:00) – Intro to the Episode
(00:56) – Introducing Ashley and Julie
(01:50) – How Ashley and Julie met and became business partners
(04:49) – How Mind Your Mess handles client projects: then vs. now
(09:15) – How Ashley and Julie knew they were the right fit
(13:20) – How Ashley and Julie divide up tasks in the business
(19:35) – The ladies share their advice on what to look for in a business partner
(23:15) – Exciting news about expanding Mind Your Mess
(28:20) – Laura Berg’s position on the Mind Your Mess team
(29:36) – Seeking guidance on how to structure a business expansion legally
(32:04) – The ladies share how the Inspired Organizer® course impacted them
(38:15) – Julie shares an inspiring quote about the power of commitment
(41:14) – Episode Wrap-up
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
- William Hutchinson Murray
Ashley Grubbs
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives...
When I was a kid a read this on a magnet every time I went to my grandma's house. And that was very often. As I got older I started to really understand the meaning behind it and I live by it daily. I never regret anything and I always look forward to the future. Life is a big adventure and it's only getting better every. single. Day!
I am a huge dog lover, need to be outdoors as much as possible and a major CrossFit fanatic. As I grow older, those passions are what help shape who I am but one thing that has always been a part of me is organization. When people ask me how long I've been doing this, my answer is always, "My whole life!"
Julie McCoy
One thing at a time...
This motto has shaped me from a young age. One day, my dad found me sobbing on the floor of my bedroom because I didn't know how to start cleaning the mess around me. I remember him saying, "Just clean one thing at a time!" And just like that, an organizer was born.
My skills improved through years of straightening my room, my sister's room, my friends' rooms, any room I could get my hands on. Eventually, my passion led me into the organizing profession, and I am incredibly grateful this passion (read: addiction) can benefit the lives of our clients.
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Related Links:
Build a business that runs like clockwork with Brie Kistler
Covering your legal bases with Annette Stepanian
Entrepreneurial Growing Pains with Sam Pregenzer
How Ashley Grubbs made over 18k in one month as a pro organizer
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