183 | Those "5 Minute Podcast" Pitches: Just Say No! Yet More Scams in Organizing To Watch Out For

Have you ever gotten that pitch to be on a 5 minute podcast that will inevitably vault your business to the stratosphere? I've warned against them before but our intrepid organizer slash undercover agent Missi McKown of Clear Spaces Organizing has done it for you just to talk about it. 

You can listen here, read the full transcript below, or find us on Apple, Spotify, or anywhere you love to listen to podcasts!



Hey pro organizers. It is Melissa, and just in an effort to confuse everyone, I like to sometimes have people on the podcast that have a very similar or same name as me. I just interviewed Melissa.Gugni, she'll be on in a few weeks. Today, I am talking to Missi McKown, who is of Clear Spaces Organizing. 

And I've talked about this with both Missi and Melissa, when I grew up there weren't that many Melissas around, but apparently they're all in our Inspired Organizer group. But I am talking to Missi about something, and this is kind of a followup to a couple podcasts that I've done. 

And the reason I keep doing podcasts on this is because people keep asking questions about it, and because they are things that are out there super prevalent and that people are falling for, and I don't want people to fall for it. So this episode today is about something very specific in the scammy world. 

One of the things, if you haven't listened to the other podcasts, I will link them in our show notes, please just be very cynical when something comes up. You, you have to assume-and I hate to say this more things are fake than they are real. This is a little mini episode, Missi essentially did some market research for all of us so that you don't have to waste your time, even just five minutes on something. 

Before we get started with Missi. I just want to come on and say a couple things. I was going to do something very dramatic and try to get everyone's attention, but I'm not going to do that. I was going to say the Pro Organizer Studio is closing. 

We're not, but what I am doing is I'm shutting everything down for a while so that I can do a full revamp and refresh of everything. So you're going to get so much new stuff. But what I want to do is kind of shut everything down so that we can take a sabbatical and get all of those things up and running for you. What we're going to do is we are closing our Inspired Organizer program. 

This is our signature business building course. It is $997. If you get one client, you get lifetime membership and it will pay itself back with one client. 

Also, we have a deal where you can use Afterpay to pay it. PayPal also has a pay in four deals. So you get all the advantages of paying in full, but you can still pay over time.

And our goal is that you will make many, many, many, many times that investment back, but we will be closing it on Friday. When we reopen in a few months, the price has not gone up in eight years. 

So we will be raising the price. I would love to have you get in and get your lifetime access and get all of those new things that are coming, and it's going to be awesome. So if you want to hit the show notes or proorganizerstudio.com/links for all of that information and stay tuned for all of the good stuff coming next. 

All right. Let's get started with my friend, Missi.

Melissa Klug: Missi is a personal friend. She is also an organizer. She is a fellow twin cities resident. We have a similar name. She's a lot of things. But I am so thrilled. You are a first time podcast guest. So welcome. 

Missi McKown: Thank you so much. I'm excited to be here.I'm excited to talk to you. 

Melissa Klug: The way that this came about was Missi and I frequently text and we were texting and she's like, Oh my gosh. And she asked me a question. And then I'm like, we need to get this on the podcast. We've got to talk about this. 

So she has a huge list of things that I am very excited to talk about. There was not one topic that I'm like, eh, I don't know. I was like, Oh yeah. Fire. We're talking about that. All right. So let's just back up. Let's just do a rewind, give people the overview of you and your organizing business and all the things.

Missi McKown: Sure thing. I do live in the Twin Cities. I'm in the Northwest suburb, Maple Grove, and I run Clear Spaces Organizing. I have a team. It's super fun. We have been rockin 'and rollin for 6 years. That's awesome. Because we just have a blast meeting people where they're at, finding out what their pain points are, helping them just make their lives easier.

I'm frequently pinching myself, especially the last two weeks, just being like, I can't believe this is my life, you have, you've had a really good last two weeks.

Melissa Klug: We're gonna, we're gonna knock on wood, because you have really been blowing it out of the water the past few weeks. 

Missi McKown: It has been so fun.

Yes, I may have texted Melissa and been like, move over VH1, I'm having the best week ever.

Melissa Klug: The best week ever. That is a very specific reference that only certain people that are listening to this podcast will understand, but that's okay. 

Missi McKown: Thank you. Early, late 90s, early 2000s. That's right. 

Melissa Klug: Best Week Ever was one of the best shows of all time. But we will, we can talk about TV shows on a different podcast because I feel like we could, we have a lot of alignment there too. You see me legitimately close my mouth to stop myself.

Missi McKown: Thank you. 

Melissa Klug: No, we'll have to do that side podcast sometime because it would be really great. But the thing is that I love many things about you, but if you are watching this on YouTube, you can see Missi's just like a sunshiny project, just such happiness and warmth.

She's genuinely excited that good things happen and she's genuinely excited to help clients. And there are a lot of different types of organizing, but you and I really align on. We like the deep stuff, right? We really like to help clients get underneath the why.

And the clutter and that is something that really just kind of feeds our soul. Is that fair? A hundred percent. 

Missi McKown: Yes, because it's then you're getting to the part where you can actually help the client make real and lasting change. And I don't know, I can't even fathom anything more fulfilling than that.

Melissa Klug: It's just a great job and you and I love it. The first thing I want to talk to you about is what we originally started this whole text chain on. And you asked me very specifically, have you ever done one of those five minute podcasts? And I was like, hard pass. No, I have not. So tell us your five minute podcast story.

Missi McKown: Well, okay to be fair, you also said is it as horrible as I imagine? I did say that. 

Melissa Klug: That is true. 

Missi McKown: And I said 1000 percent and we need to talk about it. Great. Here's the thing. If you have been a professional organizer for any amount of time, someone somewhere has done a Google search, found you, and probably reached out to you.

If they haven't yet, they will soon. And they'll be like, Hello, I came across your profile, and we are looking for professional organizers for a free five minute podcast on our podcast. And I got those calls for years, and they left a voicemail, and I just always deleted them.

And then one day, I had some time, and they called, and I answered, and I was just like, What the heck? Let's just see what it's all about, right? Like I figured it probably wasn't positive, but I also didn't think that it could possibly be negative either. So I'm like, let's just give it a shot. So my time loss is your gain.

Melissa Klug: Okay. So in general, it's there, and there are a bunch of companies that do it. But they will say, Hey, we'd really love to have you on for a podcast about your business. And then I think they make some promises, right? Like we'll promote you. 

Missi McKown: Yeah, like you get to talk about your business, explain a little bit about your industry, and, you know, basically they're hinting that you're going to get clients from this. Sure. 

Melissa Klug: Okay, so what happened? You get on the call. Does it happen immediately, by the way?

Missi McKown: It does not happen immediately.

That's, yeah, that's good to know. Okay, so they call and they're like you know, are you interested? And I was like, sure, why not? And they said, okay, great. When are you available? And immediately they want to get a date on the calendar and a five minute time slot.

But then they want you to be flexible in case they're running late or running early or whatever. So maybe like 15 minutes of your time that you need to be available for. I'm like, okay, sounds good. The people that contacted me did not check my time zone. So they actually scheduled me at a time that I was not available and was driving and when they emailed me the questions that basically they just want to see if you're a legitimate business, right?

So you get an email that's What's your company name? How long have you been in business? Tell me a little bit about your organizing style. Just a basic questionnaire to make sure that you're legitimate. So I filled that out and I sent it back and I was like, you've got the time wrong that we agreed to. I'm not available then please, you know, call me at this time. So that's how it started. 

I got a phone call while I was driving, because it was the wrong time, and I answered, and they're like, hey, are you all ready for, you know, your podcast interview, blah, blah, blah? And I said I'm not, actually, I'm driving right now, but if you give me just a couple minutes, I can pull over and we can do this thing.

And they're like, well, we're really running a tight schedule, so you really need to do it quickly. I said, I'm two stoplights away, and I will pull over and we can have this conversation. So then they said, okay, we just want to verify the pronunciation of your name, blah, blah, blah. Verify your city, your company name.

Okay, we're good to go. We literally go live on, I mean, I think live on the podcast. And then they ask the exact same questions that were in the questionnaire. Just verbatim. Let's name your business. How long have you been in business? Tell me a little bit about what you do and how you help people. Tell me something people might not know about your industry.

And then they're like, well, we're out of time. You know, thank you for your time. Blah, blah, blah. You can find Missi. Where's the best way to reach you? And then I'm sharing the website and they're like, thank you. And then click hang up. They're done. Like you're just.  

Melissa Klug: Oh, it really was like five minutes and then over the sales pitch, I assume comes later.

Missi McKown: Gosh, you are so good at this game. Okay. Right. So we're, I was just like, okay, well it is what it is. And that was interesting. I move on with my life. About 45 minutes later, maybe a half an hour, it wasn't very long. I get a phone call and they're like, hi, is this Missi from Clear Spaces Organizing? I was like, it is.

And they said, oh my gosh you were recently on our podcast. And I said, yeah, like about a half an hour ago. And he's like, well, I just want to tell you that we had people calling in wanting to know more information about you, which I was like, I mean, why would they call you when I gave them the information of how to contact you?

Because they're lying. Right, it seems a bit untrue. But I was like, you know what, let's just play this whole thing out. Let's see how it goes. I've got some time, and I'm easily amused. Here we go. 

Melissa Klug: I think this is the important part. You were doing this for your own amusement. Okay. Like you, you were doing it.We'll call it market research for me maybe. But you were doing this for your own amusement, not because you actually thought that something would come of it, which we'll talk about in a little bit. 

Missi McKown: No, it was really just a lot of curiosity of you know what, they have called me so many times. Let's just see what it's all about.

And so here I am in the midst of their marketing pitch that they're just gearing up for here. And he's like, I got to tell you you have some incredible public speaking skills. Do you speak often? And I said, Oh, that's such a nice compliment. I do enjoy talking, you know, big fan talking.

Right. And he's well, we, what we do is after each person is on the podcast, we give them a score, a rating on a scale of one to 10. And I want you to know that you scored in the top 5%, you know, you got a nine point something. And I was like, my gosh, I'm so proud of you. You know, my ego is just. So they're like, okay and what we want to talk to you about is coming back on the podcast and doing a 30 minute show 10 times over the next year or something.

We really think that you have a lot of valuable insight. And they did pluck away one thing I said that to be honest, to be fair, it was a really good point I made that was a little bit distinguishing me from other organizers. And they said, we'd love to talk more about that with you. And I was like, okay.

And I said, well, what does that look like? And he's like, okay. So there is a cost involved though. And I was like, of course there is. Okay. Well, here it is. And, but he doesn't talk about the cost first. First, he talks about all the reasons why I'm so great and how I have a voice that people are going to want to listen to and learn from.

And there they have a network of up to what did he say? Up to 40 million listeners, but we frequently, like our average is 21 million. And I was like, okay, it's a podcast that runs, what did they say? 365 days, 24 seven, which I'm just like, I don't know. I'm still a little confused on who the target market of this particular place is.

Melissa Klug: I just don't believe anything that's happened here so far. Continue. Yeah. Carry on. 

Missi McKown: Okay. Then he says, because, you know, we like your voice and we think that people would really respond to it and you would get sponsorships. And so that's why we're reaching out. And then that's how we get paid 

And I said, okay I would be giving my free time and education for you to get paid. Would you also then in turn be paying me? And he's like, oh no. He goes, what you're looking for is an endorsement. I'm talking about sponsorships. And he's like, an endorsement is like Michael Jordan.

And I said, oh my gosh! Thank you so much for comparing me to Michael Jordan, but I really don't think we're on the same page here. And if you are not willing to pay me actual cash dollars, I don't think we have anything else to talk about. And he hung up.

Melissa Klug: Poor dude, probably hears no like a hundred times a day.

Was there also going to be an associated charge on top of it? Like they're going to get these sponsorships. Plus you're going to pay them, right? 

Missi McKown: I apologize. It's been like a week and a half. My brain forgot the money part. Yes. So typically to be on their show 30 times or no 10 times in the next year for 30 minutes, but then they were going to replay it a certain amount of time because they have all this airtime to fill, right.

You know, 24, seven podcasts. That it was the exposure. And the audience I was going to have was going to be massive, and so typically the cost would be 20, 000. Oh. But for me, a big special, only 5,000. 

Melissa Klug: Okay, 5,000. 

Missi McKown: Then he said and he goes, And I know that you might be thinking to yourself, I've never heard of your podcast. And he goes, But up until today, we hadn't heard of you either. And I was like, Ooh, that is a slick line. I like that. 

Melissa Klug: Good one. That’s a good one. I would go out on a limb to say it would be more effective for you to go to the bank and withdraw 5, 000 and light an actual match to it and light it on fire.

Yeah. At least you videotape that and put it on social media, you would probably have better views than if you actually signed up for the podcast thing. 

Missi McKown: Absolutely. Because one of my initial conversations with him, even just the five minute part, I was like, if I'm on your podcast, will you create a backlink?

Because I was like, even if I just do a five minute podcast, one backlink is helpful for SEO. So I was like, I would be willing to do that, right? And he's like, Oh, yes, absolutely. So I went to the podcast website after it was all done. There's no show notes. There's no backlink. So they didn't even do what they promised.

Melissa Klug: I can think of so many things. That you can spend five, 5, 000 is a lot of money. Do you know how far that goes on Google ads? 5, 000. First of all, I would say you can take 500 and do something. I can think of 10 things you could do with 500.

That would be more impressive. And that's so what actually, and again, you did this for your own amusement. What bugs me is people that do it and fall for it. Yeah, because I just know so many people who've been taken advantage of in the organizing industry, obviously I know more people in the organizing industry, but even outside of the organizing industry, and I hate this feeling because I'm a person that likes to generally believe in the good of people.

Like I don't want to go in and assume everyone's trying to shame me, but so many of these pitches, what I want people to do is you have to assume. It's garbage until you are proven. Otherwise that anything you were getting pitched because the other thing I want to say is think about this. Do I go out and personally cold call people with organizing services?

Do I send emails? To just random people, I think you need your house organized. No, I don't. I have people that find me. I do a lot of things to have those people find me. And do I do some outreach? Yes, to let people know my services exist. But if you are searching for a service that will help you, that's one thing.

If you are getting pitched a service 9.9 times out of 10, I promise you, it's just a cash grab. 

Missi McKown: Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. And your point is so valid because, you know, if I had been new in my organizing business, I mean, 5k still would have been a ton especially then 

Melissa Klug: 5, 000 is a lot. Right. 

Missi McKown: But yeah, you can just see how someone could get their ego stroked and be like, Oh my gosh, they don't say this to everyone. I'm in the top 5%, you know, and whatever. Yeah, they have a script.

Melissa Klug: Sure.They're following the script. Absolutely. I don't mean to hurt your feelings. Everyone gets a 9. 4. 

Missi McKown: It was 9. 

Melissa Klug: 7. Let's just, Oh, I apologize. Probably not everyone gets nine points out of that's really good but I get so angry and also it's becoming so much more prevalent and it's sort of like. You know, you get telemarketing calls. Actually, I don't anymore. Cause I turned on the, if I don't, if you're not in my contacts, you don't come in setting, but there are so many things that have your number. There are so many scams out there. And you know how they say telemarketers wouldn't exist if it didn't work for someone, someone is falling for this because it's a business that makes money somehow. Don't be the person that falls for it because.

It's just garbage. And I assume that you like me are also getting I mean, at this point, it's multiple times a day. It just hurts my head. The message is on Facebook saying you're about to get it. Your profile is in violation of copyright, and it's about to be taken down. You need to click here. Yeah, right.

Meta, trust me, because I know people have also had this happen to also, if they decide that they're going to get rid of your account, it's just going to disappear. It's, they're not going to give you a warning. Yeah, no, your account's just going to be gone. You are not going to get a message from them, and you're definitely not going to get an email from them at gmail.com address. That is the number one way I think that people can check some of these things out too, is if someone is emailing you. Yeah. And it is just a gmail.com address. Delete immediately. 

Missi McKown: Or some other weird com that doesn't match what they're asking for. Also that. Yeah. I have one dear, lovely client.

And I spend time, every single time I'm at their house, going through their phone and reporting junk. All of the text messages that they're receiving. Because I'm just like Don't click on any of this.

Melissa Klug: Yeah. The other ones are Amazon and USPS. You have a package that can't be delivered. Scams.

Yep. The other one, and I can't remember if I talked about it in the last two, because this will be our third scam update podcast, which is sad that we have to do that many, but the other one that I'm seeing a lot is you will get. A very official looking thing in the mail that says your business name.

Like you have to renew your LLC. Otherwise it will be canceled. Yes. All fake. 

Missi McKown: A hundred percent. The first time I got it, I scanned it and sent it to my account. And I was like, didn't we set it up so that we only had to pay once rather than annually. And he's yeah, do not pay that. 

Melissa Klug: Because that and those are very expensive like I got one the other day for something for inspired organizer like a trademark and I did get scared for a minute and I'm like, no, I know this is a scam, but I still want to make sure and it is it's just it's a total like I checked and we weren't even within the window of when you had to renew blah, blah, blah.

They were saying it was 1, 000 all this stuff. Nope. It's free. Like they're All scams. So I just want people to be super cynical. 

Missi McKown: Yeah. I'm so glad you brought up that last one. Cause I think that one is the sneakiest because if this is your first business, which for most of us, it is you're not used to some of that paperwork and it looks very official. Yep. Yeah. 

Melissa Klug: And you don't realize, unless you read the fine print, which so many people do not, for instance. I probably owe Apple, like my house, my dog, my kids. I've never read Terms and Conditions, right? But if you don't read the fine print, like every single one of those things, they're required to say, this is not from the government, you are not required to do this, but they put it so teeny tiny.

And they bury it so that you're typically not going to read it. So I just want people to be more cynical. Okay. So the bottom line on these five minute podcasts though, and again, there are a lot of companies that do it. I understand why it feels compelling. It is just a sales pitch. You are not going to get anything from it.

You're not even going to get a backlink from it. What you're going to get is yes, it's only five minutes. And then the subsequent, you know, follow up harassing sales phone calls. So it's only five minutes, but my argument is always going to be, could you have spent that five minutes putting up three Google business posts?

Yes, you could. It takes about 30 seconds, 30 to 90 seconds to do a Google business post. Would that be a more useful use of your five minutes? Absolutely. I mean, honestly, sitting on the couch for five minutes might've been a more useful use of your time. So just say no. And. If podcasts are something that you're interested in, because legitimate podcasts will give you a backlink and like when Missi is going to be on this podcast, I will put her on the Pro Organizer Studio website, she will be on my social media, she will get a backlink to her business, a legit podcast will do all those things.

Go search out legit podcasts in your backyard. Because the other thing I'm going to always tell people is, Missi, you are a local. Organizer. You are looking for local organizing clients. Being on a national podcast is only useful to you if it helps your SEO in some way and helps people find you in your local area.

So go find a local podcast with someone talking about mental health, someone talking about, you know, how to organize for busy moms, whatever your niches and whatever you focus on, go find a podcast that talks about that because trust me. They're out there. Anything else you want to share from this awesome experience that you enjoyed very much?

Missi McKown: No, I think my favorite part, though, was being compared to Michael Jordan. 

Melissa Klug: Yeah, that's, you really, that is the takeaway, for sure. You I'm just honored that you agreed to come on my little tiny podcast that does not get 21 million views a week on average you know, potentially 40 million. I can't say we get more than 21 downloads, though, so we're still cooking.

Hey guess what? I forgot to tell you. At the beginning of the podcast, it's going to be two podcast weeks. Missi is going to be back in a couple of days, talking about her journey with ADHD and how to work with ADHD clients. This will eventually be a series because ADHD is something that so many more people are dealing with. But hit us up on Wednesday. If you are listening to this live and we will see you then have a great week organizers.


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184 | Getting "ADHD Curious" With Missi McKown


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